Thursday, September 29, 2005


Rumored to be peaking at 3900 - ASA may suspend trading
Reuters September 27, 2005, 02:23:37: With the approaching date for final bids on the Coursex 4000, strong rumors of a bull run are emanating from GB street. Highly rated stocks are approaching stratospheric valuations and speculation is rife that stocks such as MKTI 065 and FIRA could trade at prices as high as 2200.

Theoretically, this ought to indicate downgrades for some low P/E (Professor / Ecstasy) stocks but GB has a strong history of midnight corrections and these valuations may reach unheard of levels as well. Apart from concentrated portfolio investor valuations which have been historically reasonable, valuations are being pushed northwards by the lesser informed “basket course” investor with diversified portfolios. The ASA is rumored to be holding midnight discussions on possibility of intervention to prevent markets from crashing in the long term. Even so, the market appears to be good for high growth, low P/E stocks such as NGA, LSCM and MKTR. Traditional strong players like COBE and MKTI will continue to hold strong valuations through the night in spite of concentrated portfolio investors contemplating diversification to tide over the impending crisis. Correction or not, it is predicted that low P/E stocks will hold a surprisingly strong opening. As of now, the market appears to be headed toward a historic high of 3900 and above. Bids close at noon tomorrow.
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